Our two daughters and one S-I-L visited us for the Holidays. We drove to Key West for an adventure. 1700 islnads make up the Florida Keys - a gorgeous area! We had lunch in Marathon with my brother and his wife. They own Marathon BioDiesel, converting used restaurant cooking oil into fuel.
Seated: Jeff Lillie, ME (Nancy Lillie Ferb,) Nancy Lillie. Standing: Dean Ferb, Chris & Kelly, Katie Ferb DeMunbrun.

We enjoy staying at the Westwinds Inn ( circa 1900) walking distance to the infamous DUVAL STREET! This is me and our two beautiful daughters!

We lounged around the pool. There is Katie on the left, finishing up breakfast poolside.

We fed this little bird (maybe a warbler) egg leftovers. It was quite tame...and hungry!

I little "crab spider" was watching us so Kelly fed him egg, also.

Our first stop was Ernest Hemingway's Home....because the three of us are cat-lovers!

Hemingway loved cats also. His cats were polydactyl - meaning extra toed. All his cats were named after Hollywood actors.

Here is a good shots of a polydactyl cat!! Many descendants of the original cats roam the property today. They have freedom to go anywhere and still sometimes sleep on Hemingway's bed.

Old cement.

Cats were everywhere! This fellow liked the hum of the A/C!

Hemingway's Home is LOVELY and well worth the tour to hear about his "colorful" life!

Then we headed to BLUE HEAVEN for lunch! It was very eclectic - with a shower barside! Live music, too.

There were hens and chick running around the outside restaurant! We saw two huge iuguanas in the tree top, too. Lots going on!

I highly recommend Blue Heaven's mile high Key Lime Pie! YUM!!! Just HOW do they cut this pie????
An interesting restaruant! Our server was a gal from Russia.

The kids and I visited John Fogerty's Bar. Remember the song: "put me in coach?"

The kids found SANTA!!!! He was drinking a beer at the beach while getting a thorough tan!!! The taxi driver told the kids, "That guy has an "OUTFIT" for every holiday!!

A BIG photo op is the "Southern Most Point" sign! Kelly and hubby, Chris.
I visited the Key West Garden Club in an "old fort." This huge banyan tree has engulfed an old archway and turned it into a work of art! I went to see the orchid arbor and there was not a single orchid in bloom which great disappointed me.

I walked over to the Butterfly Conservatory and passed this breath taking Bougainvillea! WOW!

The butterfly "greenhouse" was AMAZING. It's a lush tropical garden and stream with butterflies everywhere...and tiny tropical birds, a pair of Flamingos and koi fish! So tranquil!

So brilliant!

This butterfly was about 5-6" across!

I had no idea they could live sooo long!

As I existed the Butterfly Conservatory, there was a lovely orchid display!!

I was VERY tired so I took a "PEDI-CAB" back to the inn. My cyclist was a young gal from the Ukraine!

The girls are always ready for a new adventure!!

We FOUND "Dorothy" of Kansas fame!! She grew up and hangs out at the Bourbon Street Pub in Key West. DID NOT SEE "Todo."

This sign took Kelly's eye!

There are street performers...some have two legs, some have four! This is "Cocoa," and she is 2 years old.

Dominique Lefort is a long-time French sidewalk performer at sunset on Mallory Square! He acts very "CRAZY" and has somehow (????) trained cats!!! AMAZING!

Heading home we had to "play tourist" at this giant lobster! Key West is a very interesting, unique place. We always find something new each time we visit! I've included several hot links if you want more info. Visit soon and make some memories!